9 Commonly Asked Questions about Day 1 CPT



The Curricular Practical Training (CPT) initiative permits F-1 visa holders to acquire hands-on experience related to their academic discipline while they are still in their degree program. The term "Day 1 CPT" describes the opportunity for international students to participate in CPT right from their initial day of attendance at a school certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).

The Day 1 CPT option has gained popularity among international students in recent years as it provides the benefit of gaining work experience right away. However, there are also important considerations and requirements that students should be aware of before pursuing Day 1 CPT. In this guide, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Day 1 CPT to help students and schools better understand this program.


What types of programs offer Day 1 CPT? 

Common programs that integrate required internships, co-ops or practicums and are suitable for Day 1 CPT include:

  • STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) with co-op requirements

  • Business and management degrees with internship requirements 

  • Healthcare fields like nursing with clinical rotations

  • Teaching credentials with student teaching

  • Hospitality management with industry placements

The key is that training opportunities must be a published and integral part of the curriculum for all students. Programs should not be designed solely to provide CPT opportunities.

For those curious about which specific institutions offer these opportunities from the beginning, looking into a list of Day 1 CPT universities can provide valuable insights and choices.


Why is Day 1 CPT gaining popularity now?

In the past, international students on F-1 visas could only engage in CPT after completing one academic year of their degree program. However, in 2016, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program updated the CPT regulations to allow schools to offer CPT starting day one for programs designed with required internships or work experience components. 

This change made Day 1 CPT an appealing option for many schools and students, leading to its increasing popularity in recent years. The ability to gain work experience from the outset can be a major draw for international applicants choosing between schools.


Who is interested in Day 1 CPT?

Day 1 CPT is most relevant for F-1 visa holding international students who wish to engage in practical training through paid or unpaid internships, co-ops, practicums, etc., related to their field of study. It allows them to start gaining work experience as soon as they begin their degree program. 

Schools are interested in offering Day 1 CPT as it can help attract prospective international students. Employers also have interest in Day 1 CPT as it expands their hiring pool for internships and training programs. Immigration lawyers and international student advisors also need to understand Day 1 CPT to properly guide students.


What are the basic requirements for Day 1 CPT?

There are a few key requirements for schools and students to be eligible for Day 1 CPT:

  • The degree program must be SEVP-certified for CPT

  • The program must require all students to engage in internships, practicums, or work experience as an integral part of the established curriculum

  • Students must have valid F-1 status at the time of applying for Day 1 CPT

  • The CPT employment must be directly related to the student’s major area of study

Additionally, students can only engage in part-time CPT (20 hours or less per week) for Day 1 CPT. Full-time CPT is not permitted.


How does Day 1 CPT affect other CPT and OPT?

Importantly, engaging in Day 1 CPT does not reduce or impact a student’s later eligibility for CPT or OPT (Optional Practical Training). Students can still pursue additional CPT and OPT opportunities after completing Day 1 CPT. 

The 12-month total CPT limit applies across all CPT, including Day 1 CPT and later CPT authorization. However, part-time CPT does not get deducted from available OPT time. Only full-time CPT would reduce OPT.


Can Day 1 CPT be full-time? 

No, Day 1 CPT can only be authorized for part-time work (20 hours per week or less). Full-time CPT (over 20 hours per week) is not allowed for Day 1 CPT. Students must complete one academic year before being eligible for full-time CPT.

This restriction is designed to ensure students are making academic progress while gaining work experience early in their programs.


What are the application and authorization processes?

Students should work with their school’s Designated School Official (DSO) to apply and receive authorization for Day 1 CPT. The DSO will confirm the student’s eligibility, validate the employment offer relates to the field of study, and issue a new I-20 listing the CPT authorization.

Standard CPT application and approval processes apply to Day 1 CPT. Authorization must be granted for each new CPT opportunity.


Is Day 1 CPT a good option for me? 

Day 1 CPT can be an excellent way for F-1 students to kickstart their career development in the US. However, it requires careful consideration of your academic program and career goals:

  • Ensure CPT will not interfere with required coursework or exams

  • Consider how CPT timing affects future OPT eligibility 

  • Weigh value of early work experience versus delaying to preserve more OPT time

  • Pick employers and roles that provide a meaningful experience 

It can be difficult to navigate the intricate foreign student regulations. Day 1 CPT has a distinct advantage in that it offers a prompt setting for gaining real-world experience. It’s possible that the workplace culture in the US differs from that of many international pupils. Students can become accustomed to this atmosphere early by participating in CPT, which will ease the transition into the working world after graduation. 

The allure of immediate employment must be balanced with the demanding academic requirements of the degree program. Day 1 CPT decisions should be made in light of each student’s particular circumstances and specific academic and professional aspirations.

Consult your DSO and career advisors when deciding if Day 1 CPT aligns with your priorities.


Day 1 CPT provides qualified F-1 students an excellent opportunity to enrich their academic learning with hands-on employment in their chosen field of study. By understanding the requirements and benefits of Day 1 CPT, students can make informed decisions about whether this program aligns with their career ambitions. 

Day 1 CPT can be a valuable experience with proper planning, allowing international students to gain work authorization and begin developing professional skills from the very start of their degree programs in the United States.