Insects that harm trees

Insects that harm trees


Garden pests have become a massive problem for the owners. These pests can harm your beautiful garden, especially the tree. If trees are infested with garden insects or pests heavily, it will become challenging to get rid of them. The only option left for you is to cut them down. If you are interested in tree removal services, head over to Trav's Trees. Before cutting them down, it is crucial to identify the stage of infestation; if it can be cured and everything is blossoming, the insects and best are also getting their new life. These haughty little invaders are ready to destroy the charm of your trees.


Here are common types of pests which can be found in your trees.




Sapsuckers are the type of insect that directly affect the leaf sap. They are mainly of three types: whiteflies, aphids and scale insects.


Whiteflies are tiny insects that feed on the underside of leaves. They are small insects with wings. They also excrete sticky substances which are suitable for mold development.


Aphids are soft bodies not usually found in colonies. They do not harm trees seriously, but attack leaves dangerously. They eat away the SAP from the stamen leaf. They are typically found in fruity trees, maples, oaks and willows.


Scale insects are common SAP best who love to stay in the inner bark of trees. They are soft and hard-scale insects that leave sticky excretion after attacking a tree fatally.


Wood borers


Wood borers are those insects that target the stem of a tree. They are also of three types weevil, Asian longhorn beetles, and emerald ash borers.


Asian longhorn beetles are tiny pests that fly from one place to another in search of their host. They usually lay eggs in the same tree they were born from. It makes it easier to find them. You can find them through round chewed depressions in the tree bark and unusual yellowing of the tree. They make pencil size holes in the trees.


Emerald Ash borers are green-colored insects found in North America. You can spot them from June to August in their meeting season. Their infestation can go unnoticed for years as they enter the vascular tissue of sapwood and tree bark. If you identify any hole in the bark, check inside it, or the woodpecker is frequently speaking in those holes.


Weevils are a family of beetles that are invisible to the naked eye. They usually lay eggs in new rolled-up leaves and can also invade yaar homes and food.




Defoliators are moths that affect tree leaves dangerously. The outbreak cycle is usually after ten years. They easily stay in firewood trees and invest their green leaves. They are the most dangerous type of tree insect.




They are dangerous insects that can harm our trees. Keeping these two types of trouble-making pests away from your landscape element is essential. To combat these insects, it is crucial to identify simple signs from the trees and work accordingly.